Welcome to Circability
Igniting social circus throughout Aotearoa
Ngā reanga katoa, ngā āheinga katoa, ngā ahurea katoa - amui katoa.
Since 2012, Circability Trust has been using Circus Arts for Social Good. Our Circability whānau has a place for everyone to belong.
All ages, all abilities, all cultures - better together.
Circability provides workshops, performances, and classes across Aotearoa for anyone including kindergarten, schools, service providers for people with disabilities, community organisations, businesses, and in public spaces and parks.
Social circus is a unique form of circus arts that combines the physical skills of the circus with the social and emotional benefits of community engagement, helping develop important life skills such as self-confidence, communication, teamwork, and perseverance.

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A sneak peek into what we’re up to!